We will be using the Plasma Enhanced Gasification System (PEGS) developed by EnerSol Technologies, Inc. for use by the Departments of Defense and Energy.
Greenleaf's primary markets will be Resource Conservation and Reclamation Act (RCRA) industrial hazardous solid and liquid wastes as well as regulated hazardous medical wastes in the Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land MSA. Houston is a leader in the oil and gas and chemical manufacturing sectors as well as home to the largest medical center in the United States. These industries produce substantial hazardous waste streams that are problematic and expensive in which to dispose.
We will be using the Plasma Enhanced Gasification System (PEGS) that was developed and patented by EnerSol Technologies, Inc. (www.enersoltech.com) sixteen years ago for use by the Departments of Defense and Energy. This system gasifies the organic feedstock converting it into synthesis gas, and vitrifies the inorganic feedstock converting it into a non-leaching slag. The synthesis gas will be used to generate electricity to provide power to the system while the non-leaching slag will be used as construction fill material.
PEGS gasifies organic feedstock converting it into synthesis gas, and vitrifies inorganic feedstock converting it into a non-leaching slag. The synthesis gas is used to generate electricity that powers the system while the non-leaching slag becomes construction fill material.
Our feedstock may include some of the following types of wastes:
• Controlled Commercial Waste
• Controlled Medical Waste
• Green Coke
• Hazardous Medical Waste
• Industrial Heavy Metals
• Industrial Waste Sludge
• Medical Waste
• Refinery Waste Sludge
• Recycling Bin - Environmental Service
Contact us if you have an interest in investing in a clean environment.